Icon for the "What The ... ?" Age

Dang, happiness is hard. Especially these days. Media (social and otherwise) showers us with relentless glistening perfections of joy, simultaneously aggrandizing and sanitizing actual existence and all its unvarnished and vexing complexities.

If the metaverse insists on emblazoning its hermetic bubble with a thousand-story, pristine smiley face, then the least we "real worlders" can do is counter with one of our own.

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You're a Poster Child for Hard-Won Happiness

Smileclops' freakily fantastic face is for those who know that happiness is a conscious process: something to be imperfectly wrestled from snarly reality, not lazily downloaded in crystal clear 4K to a numb digital facade.

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Champion Your Singular Vision

The Smileclops™ brand is about bypassing easy, artificial smiles to achieve an authentic, self-won happiness that's true to each individual's singular gifts, quirks, focus and vision–despite the you-know-what show that is the 21st-century human experience. In short, you're one of the mutant few who are, oddly, happy.

And back in 2009, I created a mutant icon to match. Wear it with a smile. You've earned it.

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